YEAH! You made it to closing day.
You do not have to be present for closing if you cannot be here. (Your agent can video conference you in if you would like).
The deed that will be recorded in the National Registry MUST be in Spanish! Your attorney will read the deed at time of closing and translate every word to you - in person, on video or to your representative that you give a limited power of attorney to sign on your behalf at time of closing. (Can be your real estate agent, a person at the attorneys office or a friend you know in CR - cannot be the attorney itself).
Typically at the closing, you will have your attorney, you, your real estate agent, the seller, seller's agent, seller's attorney and a representative of the escrow company (not always). Once the deed is presented and read, it is time for signatures!!
Now that all the paperwork is signed, the escrow company will verify this and release all the funds per Exhibit A (which both parties have to sign off on).
The attorney will present the deed to the National Register to register the property in your name or your corporation name. (This can take 10 days).
Once the property shows up in your name/corporation name, you can now switch utilities into your name/corporation name.