We can all agree that 2020 was not the year we had in mind! Everything that we thought we envisioned for that year was thrown out the window and we were forced to reflect on what we really love most in this world; family, friends, work, and travel-just to name a few.
However, even in times of such uncertainty and fear we can find silver linings. Many people now found themselves able to work from home which has opened up a whole new list of opportunities for those that felt stuck in the workplace. Many people have decided to move out of the cities and into more rural areas where they can enjoy time off with a stroll in the forest, or on the beach. This year also gave people a little push to become better at taking care of their households and picking up new hobbies like cooking. We all saw those memes going around calling out everyone become their own Betty Crocker during quarantine.
We want 2021 to continue to encourage new hobbies or even getting out of the town you may be sick of and trying somewhere new.
Costa Rica is one of those places where internet speeds are fast enough to work from home. Climate is great all year round. English is spoken almost everywhere. And there are plenty of online groups for all people to be able to find community.
If you have felt stuck and looking for a place to relocate please feel free to send us a message. We would be happy to help you find the perfect place for you!
